الأربعاء، 20 يوليو 2011

Playing makeups with the In-law

 So my mother-in-law (to be) was around for a coffee the other day & I had painted her nails already (metallic-y green with black shatter coz she asked about mine teehee) 
And then a bit later I was like 'Oh hey wanna see my new palette?' & then she said 'you got another one!! ohh that's actually very lovely hehe'.(well it didn't exactly go down like that :P but she is into makeup since she does it particially for a living- she is a beauty therapist/ Esthetician)
I bet you can guess already which palette, huh? So.. after that I was like hey can I do your makeup? & afterwards she went oooh that looks really good.

Well the background is,that you may already know, she owns a hair salon & she does the waxing, massages, facials, makeup, advanced skin treatments etc & it looks like I will be starting a beauty trainieeship soon! (but more about that one later its not quite official yet)

Something that I forgot to tell y'all is that in a few weeks the high school is having a fashion parade & they asked her to do the hair & makeup so she is taking me & a few others along! Yay I am so excited for that :D I was thinking that I may take my own brushes along too just so we have extra & different kinds of ones... I will obviously wash & disinfect them before & after but do you think that is a good idea?? So anyway the type of clothing that we will be doing the makeup for is "casual" & "wearable art" oooh I am so excited for the this!!!

Rightio onto the makeup... Luckily I had remembered right at the end to take pics!

From the top of me head first I used NYX JEP in yoghurt, then for shadows I used Sin on the lid & lower l/l... Smog in the Crease, Naked above that, Darkhorse in the outer v going down into the lashline, Virgin to highlight & a teeeny bit of creep as the e/l.

oh & I had just started doing the makeup when I heard a knock on the door... my bro answered it but as soon as I heard it I knew what it was! My MUG brushes that I had ordered! What great timing :D

top to bottom- Pointed Crease Brush, Outer V brush, Large Flat Shader Brush

To compare how long the handle is!!! It keeps hitting my mirror lol. I hope it can fit into my roll!!
So that's it..... sorry about all that writing!!!  I didn't think it would turn out so long ahah. Take care <3

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