السبت، 30 يوليو 2011

Dark Smoky Daytime Look

I suppose not everybody likes a lot of drama for in the day time... but if you want that without going too OTT I like to do a brown smokey eye. For this I used the (surprise, surprise) Naked palette. I taped the edges to get that sharp look to make it a little bit more dramatic.

Of course this post wouldn't be complete without a few closeups.
NYX JEP in slate on lid
UD Naked: Sin- Inner Lid.
Hustle- all over the rest of the lid.
Buck- Crease. Blended out with Naked.
Toasted added on top of buck. Lower Lashline
A little bit of Darkhorse in the outer corner.
Virgin to highlight
UD Whiskey E/L in waterline.
Black Bean for top E/L

NYX peach blush

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Tokyo (I applied lip balm just before but didn't blot it enough so its not quite matte)

Question: I haven't done a picture tutorial in a while, would anyone be interested for this look?? Even though y'all are totally more talented then me :)

Thanks for looking, hope your having a great weekend!

الخميس، 28 يوليو 2011

Golden Eyes

Geez I need to get more creative with my titles haha. This was actually from last week, I took a break from the naked palette & went back to using NYX pearl pigments. This is just a simple look using Oro, Walnut & Nude.

 Since I couldn't take any decent full sized pics, why not take a million of different angles haha. Oh these were taken before my eyebrows & my face were done.

 On one eye I used Pixie Epoxy but honestly it makes it harder the blend the eyeshadow so I went without on the other eye & found that I didn't really need it with these pigments. Oh & I'm pretty sure I used UD Zero eyeliner.
L-R; Oro, Walnut, Nude
Well I may as well include another recent look. I just wanted a shimmery e/s on the lid (Kitten) with a hint of definition in the crease, & black winged eyeliner with gold on top of it.
Oh yuck this isn't such a nice pic after all..

Ignore my mouth being open in a weird way haha. Oh & my hair is soo poofy here =/

first close up was before the eyebrows
I actually used tape to get the shape of the wing, which I used Lancome Artliner for, & the gold is a coastal scents one (I actually got it from the MUG website, but I'm pretty sure they're all the same) .So I guess you could kinda say this is a double e/l look. Or not. IDK haha. Oh & lips are Rimmel Pink Flame, I think the lighting in my bathroom makes it look more red!

Oh & if she happens to be reading this, Amalia I received the Inglot prize :D Which I will include some pics in a later post once I find my camera cord!!!!

Cheers for looking girls, & toodles! I dont know if I will be able to post over the weekend, I may be able to get something in tomorrow!!


الاثنين، 25 يوليو 2011

Nars Cupcake giveaway

Click the pic to enter
Nars Cupcake is holding a 200 followers giveaway with these amazing prizes!!  Perfect for the neutral gal. Closes august 14th

الأحد، 24 يوليو 2011

FoxyAries Fabulous Giveaway!!

FoxyAries is having a giveaway which closes August 5th, & she deserves a lot more followers!! Click the pic to enter!!

Kitten got Smogged

lol at another lame title. Hope everyone had a good weekend!! I had my first baby shower to go to on Sunday arvo which was heaps of funn :) Anyway I'm sorry that this is another Naked look, & there are a few more to come then I will give it a break for a while.. or I may just space out the posts :) I also feel the need to go back to colour before it gets warmer!
Silly smile :P

It looks like I cut my hair short!! But I didn't which is obvious in the first pic it was just sitting that way.

On 1 eye I placed the black a bit too low, & the eyeliner turned out thicker but oh well.

Used Stila palette on the left.

Stila Kitten [lid, lower l/l]
Black [outer v + crease]
UD Smog [crease on top of the black, lower lash line]
Lightest colour [to blend crease]
UD Virgin [highlight]
Maybelline liquid e/l

Cheeks: probably Nyx Peach blush
Lips: Mac Hue L/S with Nyx Sugarpie L/G

Oh & since its (kinda) on the subject of the title, just wanted to update with a picture of the kitty, Mishka.
Its kinda not very nice to look at so I will make it small but you can make it bigger if you like by clicking on it.

Her hip was dislocated & they couldn't get it to stay popped in so they had to remove the hip joint. So it is slightly shorter than the other leg. Also her leg is soo skinny compared to the other one when its shaved!!

So that's it, thanks for reading

الجمعة، 22 يوليو 2011

Glittery Fail + Hot Pinkk Lips

 I tried out that NYX glitter cream palette , but I had already applied some e/s & didn't like that so I used it under Pixie Epoxy. I guess it wasn't really a fail I just couldn't get it to blend in the outer corner. I will try it next time on its own, but when I was picking it up with my brush it felt like chunky glitter that was not creamy at all.
Lips are NYX soft matte lip cream in Addis Ababa (not as bright in these pix as in real life!!!) It doesn't look so matte coz I left too much lip balm on my lips before I applied it, but it didn't take long for it to go matte.

Silly Face :P

So I basically used the 2nd lightest colour & then the gold in front of that & the darkest purple in the outer corner ,which was the one that was hard to blend. I think that could have been from the Epoxy though.
The purple e/s I used first was the one from the Stila Palette I received from Amalia, I used the lightest colour on the lid but that looked not so good so I wanted to amp it up.

Anyhoo not much of an exciting post but thanks for looking! <33

الأربعاء، 20 يوليو 2011

Huge MAC giveaway

Miss Fashion Beauty is holding a huuge 700 followers MAC giveaway, My dream would come true if I won this he he.
Click the pic to enter

Closes 10th August

Playing makeups with the In-law

 So my mother-in-law (to be) was around for a coffee the other day & I had painted her nails already (metallic-y green with black shatter coz she asked about mine teehee) 
And then a bit later I was like 'Oh hey wanna see my new palette?' & then she said 'you got another one!! ohh that's actually very lovely hehe'.(well it didn't exactly go down like that :P but she is into makeup since she does it particially for a living- she is a beauty therapist/ Esthetician)
I bet you can guess already which palette, huh? So.. after that I was like hey can I do your makeup? & afterwards she went oooh that looks really good.

Well the background is,that you may already know, she owns a hair salon & she does the waxing, massages, facials, makeup, advanced skin treatments etc & it looks like I will be starting a beauty trainieeship soon! (but more about that one later its not quite official yet)

Something that I forgot to tell y'all is that in a few weeks the high school is having a fashion parade & they asked her to do the hair & makeup so she is taking me & a few others along! Yay I am so excited for that :D I was thinking that I may take my own brushes along too just so we have extra & different kinds of ones... I will obviously wash & disinfect them before & after but do you think that is a good idea?? So anyway the type of clothing that we will be doing the makeup for is "casual" & "wearable art" oooh I am so excited for the this!!!

Rightio onto the makeup... Luckily I had remembered right at the end to take pics!

From the top of me head first I used NYX JEP in yoghurt, then for shadows I used Sin on the lid & lower l/l... Smog in the Crease, Naked above that, Darkhorse in the outer v going down into the lashline, Virgin to highlight & a teeeny bit of creep as the e/l.

oh & I had just started doing the makeup when I heard a knock on the door... my bro answered it but as soon as I heard it I knew what it was! My MUG brushes that I had ordered! What great timing :D

top to bottom- Pointed Crease Brush, Outer V brush, Large Flat Shader Brush

To compare how long the handle is!!! It keeps hitting my mirror lol. I hope it can fit into my roll!!
So that's it..... sorry about all that writing!!!  I didn't think it would turn out so long ahah. Take care <3

Mad About Makeup 100 followers Giveaway

Click here to enter!
Bows and Curtseys.. Mad About Makeup is holding a 100 followers giveaway & there are the awesome prizes she has included! Closes August 5th

الثلاثاء، 19 يوليو 2011

As Naked As The Day...

Sorry for the stupid title haha!
I have been playing around with my naked palette a bit, but felt like mostly everything I've done so far has been the same. Oh well give me some time haha.

Sin- Lid, lower lashline
Hustle- outer lid/v, lower lashline
Toasted- Crease
Virgin- Highlight
Sin is a very pretty colour,  however it appeared more white in this light then the pinky colour it is.

sorry for the goofy look on my face =/

 This was just simple with Half Baked on the lid & Naked in the crease. Lips are Australis Salsa which is looking very coraly here, other times it looks pink.
Goofy photo.. at work haha
So yeah thats it... I'm really looking forward to doing a smokey-ass look with this palette! hehe.

Question Time: If you have the naked palette, what are you fave combos? Get me inspired!!

الاثنين، 18 يوليو 2011

NYX goodies

So thanks mainly to Makeup and Meme & Starryskies for their swatches, I ordered a few NYX soft matte lip creams.
L-R Amsterdam, Addis Ababa, Tokyo
 I am sure you will be seeing these in many FOTD's to come!! From what I've tried, they are beautiful!!
I also decided to try a glitter cream palette, I've heard these were hard to work with but why not give it a go!?

oh & on a sad note, we had to take the kitty to the vets this morning, mum found her a bit matted up and dirty & she couldn't walk properly, so she's getting a few x-rays done now. Looks like the worst thing could be a broken pelvis! :(
UPDATE: Unfortunately, her hip has been dislocated & they have popped it into place but it pops straight out which requires surgery which is $$$, lets just hope she wont get hit by another car after it!!

الأحد، 17 يوليو 2011

Stay Beautiful Huge Giveaway

Click the pic to enter Robyn @Stay Beautiful's 500 Follower Giveaway. Amazing prizes! Closes 29th July

How to make your lips look bigger & fuller

I have more of a bottom lip then a top lip ( especially when I smile, it almost completely disappears lol)
so here is a tutorial on some tricks that I have learnt on making your lips bigger & fuller.
Before & After. I think my lips look a little too porn star like though ;) You don't have to agree!Sorry that it goes off into the sidebar (on my computer anyways) to view properly, left click on it & it should open a new window

1. Start by applying lip balm & blotting the excess of it.

2. Apply a nude lip liner just on the outside of your lips & blend. This is one by Avon (not the best colour- I need a new one!) You do not want to go further than your lip line or it will look too fake.
3.Apply a mauve or skin toned lip liner that is just darker then your natural lips just inside the lip line & blend. I used Mauve l/l by NYX which I find is just a bit too dark for me if not blended.
4. Apply your lipstick. I went nude- Pumpkin Pie from NYX.
5.Dap a white pearly eyeshadow on the center of your lips outward, I used White Pearl e/s from NYX. You can also highlight your cupids bow. You can also use a clear lipgloss but I find its too sticky.

So yeah thats basically it, you can tweak it for your needs. I suppose I didn't need to use the highlight on the bottom lip. & honestly, using the mauve lip liner just on the inside may not seem like it does much ( When I was doing this I thought I would see how it turned out & I believe it helped) but try for yourself! Look back at the top pic :)

UPDATE: I tried this with pink & it turns out that I think you should do the first step with a same colour as your l/s but do it after you have applied the l/s!

الجمعة، 15 يوليو 2011

Neutral Eyes + Fushia Lips

Hey lovelies. Just a simple eye look with bright lips! Sorry I look so tired :/ this was actually from last week. & I know its a look y'all have probably seen before but its nice & simple!

Yah I know, way too much highlighter underneath my eyes

Nyx Vanilla Shimmer on lid
David Jones E/S (bronze + brown)
Nyx White Pearl to highlight
Nyx JEP in Black Bean as a highlight
Maybelline xxl extensions mascara
BYS glow pearls
BYS bronzer
Revlon Fushia L/S

thanks for looking! <3
p.s I think I need to start playing around in more dramatic eyeshadow more, before the warmer weather comes!! I didn't do this last year & I got jealous when I saw every bodies winter looks, he he