الجمعة، 18 يناير 2013

And the winner is....

Hey guys! The time has come for me to announce the giveaway winner. Thank you so much to all that entered, I enjoyed reading your 5 products! And to the winner I hope you enjoy the prize! ^.^

So the question I got you all to answer was "If you were stranded on a deserted Island what 5 products would you bring?" I may or may not have accidentally had it as "desert" island which I don't think is possible! Also if you were stranded you wouldn't be able to choose which products to bring & I doubt you would care about them :P Here are my 5 products...
1. Lucas Paw Paw Ointment: To use as a lip balm, for bites, (I attract all mosquitoes so it would come in handy), cuts & all that fun stuff.
2: Face of Australia Face Base Primer: a HG product for me that would double as a moisturizer.
3. Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation: Just because I love this foundation...
4. DMK Transdermal Sunscreen: Don't want to get burnt now....
5. Aand finally.... probably a dry shampoo because I could imagine it would get oily quickly!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats Erma! I will send an email but as for the 24 hour rule I will extend it as I recently won a giveaway but didn't find out til a week, & I would have been devastated if I found out I didn't win because I didn't reply straight away!

Hope to "see" you all in the future for more giveaways.

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