الاثنين، 12 ديسمبر 2011

Move over Bio Oil...

..Because i've moved on to Rose Hip Oil. I know I know, its old news, & I'm sure many of you have heard of or even use it, but I had been using Bio Oil for quite some time, so when I ran out of my 2nd bottle I wanted to try something different. I'm loving it & just wanted to share my thoughts on it.
As you probably know, my skin is dry/dehydrated with scars. When I wash my skin it can feel tight & gross but when I apply this, it feels greasy at first but as it sinks in it feels lovely. If you have oily skin it may feel too greasy so don't go overboard.
I have been using this for about 4 weeks & can notice an improvement with the leftover scars from my peel & the texture of my skin feels nicer. You can also use it on your body if you want to. I only use it in the morning before moisturizing but you can use it day & night, especially if you have bad scarring. & you will want to apply it some time before doing your makeup so it would have sunk in.
I love the bottle of this particular brand! As you can see it has a little drop thingy on it so you can measure the amount you need which is much better than pouring way too much into your hand. I guess it depends on the type of brand you get, the bottles wont all be the same.
The bottle says to use 2-3 drops but I usually only do 1-2 because it spreads really easily. I put a drop on my fingers & then rub them together to warm it up then apply using a circling motion with my fingers & massage it over my face.

I totally recommend using Rose Hip Oil for scarring, stretch marks, rosacea & even if your skin has no particular issues, just because it feels so nice! I will continue to use it because it gives my skin the extra boost it needs.

Product: 5/5
Packaging: 5/5
Quality 5/5
Price: Around $18(15ml)  but it depends on the size & where you purchase it from.

thank you for reading & I hope its useful for someone!

Oh I just wanted to mention a giveaway that Starryskies is holding... it closes on the 19th of December ( I left it a bit late to post this but there's still time! )
click the picture to enter :)

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