الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2011

Dramatic Gold with red lips + update

Firstly, the update: Some of you may have read that I am doing a beauty traineeship... well I am actually starting next week!! So for the first few weeks I will still probably be working nights at my other job.. so I will finish early at the salon then go across town (luckily the town isn't too big haha) to that job & by the end of the day I will be exhausted!! But then I will be keeping only 2 nights at that place so it wont happen all the time.. but unfortunately for me it will be less time to blog & check out other blogs :(

Anyhoo the other weekend we had to help with some makeup for a local fashion show!! It turned out to be plenty of other salons there as well to do makeup & a few people to do hair so we didn't do too many people. More talk of that at the end of the post.

For this day (I had to work in the morning) I did a gold eye using the Naked palette (haa, well had to do makeup at the SO's place in the morning so it was easier to transport) & a quick winged eye which only took me like 2 minutes but I reaally like how it turned out.. I guess I should stop blabbing & move on to the pics, eh?

1 eyebrow is more angled then the other ha.. ignore that!

Using the "Soft Skin" mode on my camera.
For the lips here I dabbed on some of Avon's Ultra Rich Colour L/S in Really Rosy to keep it not too OTT for work.

And then for some reason I added Rimmel's Shocking Pink over the top.... I am wearing my work shirt so please ignore that.

& den.. after work I made it more red! I had been dieing to use Nyx's soft matte lip cream in Amsterdam forever.
Ignore me looking like a ghost!!!!
A closeup of the lips:
Unfortunately it went yukky after a little bit coz I kept licking my lips & I should have exfoliated earlier... so I added more of Shocking Pink before we started doing the makeups. We had also gotten there too early so we went for a coffee & I had a horrible red outline that wouldn't be fixed with the lip cream.

Of course.. a few closeups of the eyes.. so the shadows I used were:
(all from the UD naked palette, of course) Half Baked, Smog, Darkhorse, Virgin. I used Nyx black bean for the e/l. I went right into the inner corner which I never usually do, & I liked it except the line could have been a bit thicker & I should have gone over it after applying the highlight.

Anyway... the fashion show!!
 I got a few pics but didn't ask them if it was cool for me to post online...so I cropped them to the eyes only for this post. The girls who were in the show were all year 12. & they had made their own clothes. All of it was amazing! Through the show I was like, I would buy that, & that... hahah... so many talented girls.

Part of our set up.. we were the first ones there so we got the best space & took up a bit too much room!! After I used something I would put it back down anywhere so we kept misplacing stuff that we needed! (that we found later haha) I also brought my own palettes & brushes along, the 120 palette was useful to others!
I went with my MIL. Like I said, we got there too early, had a coffee, got more stuff then came back. It was only us 2 from her salon coz another girl pulled out at the last minute. But we didn't end up needing her.
There were 3 categories: formal, casual & wearable art. We were originally designated to do the casual but we helped with some formal & helped fix up some other things. There were plenty of other people that were doing the wearable art & stuff- there was a girl who did checkered eyes, and someone that did black swan makeup.

The girls mostly had already done their foundation before hand, so we only needed to add to it & finish the look. We ended up doing probably about 4 girls, & we were working together to do the eyes, face & lips, which made it easier. MIL would work on the eyes while I did the lips etc. To be honest I was nervous at first but got right into it.

We had to apply a lot of makeup so it would stand out on stage, def. not something for everyday.
Heaps of blush had to be added & the eyes & lips had to be defined so they would stand out.

I didn't have enough time to work on this but she was really happy with it... wish I could fix that eyeliner up now!! haha. The glitter doesn't really show up here but on stage you could see her eyes sparkling :) Should have filled in her brows though!

I tidied up the brows & did the e/l & the highlight (MIL did the e/s)

Holy small pics batman... 1st girl MIL did eyes, I did her foundation/cheeks & lips. 2nd girl we touched up her e/l to make it stand out.
Bad pic taken from far away.. I did her eyebrows which are a lot darker than what they were before.

So at the end of the night we had an awesome time. We weren't going to stay & watch the whole show but we changed our minds.. in the green room where we were set up they had a screen so you could watch the stage, but it was too hard to see so we went & watched it & then came back in between breaks to go to the snack table :P & all of the girls were so happy with how they looked & the people who were organizing the event were so happy to have us help, even though we didn't do much compared to others!!! But we def. want to do it again next year.

Okk so I'm sorry for blabbing too much... kudos if you read that all but I won't blame you if you don't ;)

Hope you have a good weekend :D

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