الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2011

New Years Shoes; Which ones to wear?

So for New Years I'm going to a dress up party. My costume is all sorted but I will need to get changed to go out to the pub afterwards. I present y'all with 2 shoes to pick for me :) haha & the pros and cons :P Plz ignore my feet & shoes ha I took these straight after a stinkin hot day at work so ignore them but dont ignore the shoes!
 Glittery Gold Peep Toe Pumps
-Pros: Comfortable on the soles of my feet
-Totes appropriate for new years!
-So damn pretty haha

Cons: Glitter will fall off! Do not want. (I have been spraying with hair spray however-  & I'm thinkin that its working.)
-Kinda uncomfortable around the heel where it rubs on my feet- may need bandaids
-toes will hurt after a while

Black Suede Wedges with Ankle Strap (its ok that the sides pop out)
-Pros: Wedges are super comfy to wear all night without hurting your feet.
-I love these ones too! ha
-Easier to walk in without worrying about tripping

Cons: Ankle strap may get annoying (they are on super tight here anyways)
-Feels like I'm rolling as I'm walking in them
-Don't want to ruin the suede!

Anyways you don't need to go by the pros/ cons just the look of them if you like, I am already wearing the wedges with my costume anyway so maybe I could bring the other ones into just in case?

Thanks everyone, Happy New Years!


الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2011

Futuristic Cut Crease?

Woohoo I can finally honestly say I was happy with how this look turned out! I would definitely do this look again for clubbing or maybe even new years, I would probably add some glitter & it would be good to go. Also I think it this goes with any outfit.

So I was inspired by this tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fq-lEu73GI&feature=channel_video_title, & I thought it would be harder to get my eyes even but I got it fairly quickly. It doesn't matter if it is not perfect anyway because as they say "eye's are sisters not twins."

Lid: Stila Kitten. Also a tiny bit on the middle of the lower lash line (lll)
The lightest colour from Barbie <3 blending="" bone="" br="" brow="" crease="" from="" help="" stila="" to="" with="">Crease: Nyx JEP Black Bean with an angled eyeliner brush and on the lll.
Black from 28 palette blended with a pencil brush over top of Black Bean.
A little bit of the black from the same Stila palette on the lll.
Maybelline Eye Allure Eyeliner.
CG Lash Blast Fusion
Japanese Eyelashes.

Cheeks: I think a tiny bit of E.L.F Fuschia Fusion

Lips: Maybelline Color sensational l/s in Party Pink on the outside with Mac Hue on the inside.
At first I was going to leave the lower lash line alone but it didn't look complete, so I started with one eye & it didn't look that good until I defined my lower eyelashes.This look is also a must for falsies, I got asked if it was just mascara or was I wearing falsies hahah. At least they are not noticeable :P

So that's it! I hoped that everyone had a lovely Christmas & Boxing day with their families and I hope y'all have a great new years!!!

الاثنين، 19 ديسمبر 2011

Christmas Look

To be honest, I wish I was more excited about Christmas. I guess it's not the same when your all growned up :( haha :P

So I did this look inspired by this blogger here. Mine wasn't meant to be christmassy but I decided that it can be since I haven't done a festive look yet. However It's a copy more than an inspiration because I didn't want to change a thing.& I got compliments at work so I was happy with that :)

Ugh I could go into many things I want to improve, like mainly the eyeliner. I didn't mean to make the gold so thick & as it came out I didn't clean my brush enough so it mixed into the black but ohwells.

I also didn't want the yellow to be too outrageous so I added just a hint of it, & I wish I blended right to the eyeliner so it looked cleaner.
a tiny bit edited
And most importantly, the inspiration pic
Haha that's enough of me picking out everything, here's what I used
Eyes: TFSI
120 palette: see picture
Maybelline Line Allure eyeliner
Coastal Scents gold gel eyeliner
Nyx gold glitter

Cheeks... hmm I don't think its important since I can barely see in the pics anyway.. plus I forgot :S
Lips are by David Jones.. Some orange lipstick.

Happy holidays to all!! Thank you for reading, commenting etc :)

السبت، 17 ديسمبر 2011

Battle of the Eyelash Curlers

In this haul post here you will see that I finally bought a new eyelash curler. I had my old one for a couple of years now & it was time for a new one since I never really liked that one haha. It dug into the corner of my eyes, leaving marks in my eyeshadow that I had to fix. Soo annoying haha.
I wanted to do a quick review/ comparison of them both which I hope will be helpful to somebody, even if they are random brands haha.
L-R: Models Prefer, Elite Professional.
The one on the left is my new one & the one on the left is (obviously, ha) my old eyelash curler. You can see that the MP is longer but not as chunky, which I think would be better to fit in a smaller makeup bag since it wouldn't take up as much room, if you get what I mean.
Sorry for the Elite one for being so gross! I had replaced the pads on it a little while ago after I finally found some hiding, so before that it was even worse.
Can you see how the EP one is more curved & shorter on the curler part than MP which is longer & less curved so it fits around my eye better, & gets all of my eyelashes in unlike EP. I hope that you can see what I mean & that I don't sound like a crazy person, haha.
*excuse the naked brows & unfinished eye makeup*
Maybe you can see it here, how much better the MP curler (on the right) fits my eye & doesn't dig in- although it kinda looks like it is, it isn't. It was awkward to take these pics btw haha
I added a mascara primer so you could see my eyelashes, I held them both on for about 15 seconds, & the MP curled my lashes a lot more especially the ones on the outside.

So I have to say that I quite like the Model's Prefer eyelash curler, but since I have not tried any popular brands like the E.L.F one which is meant to be good (I imagine it being like the MP one) or the oh-so-famous Shu Umera Eyelash curler I cannot compare it to them, but I hope that I can help somebody :)

EDIT: I made this post a few days ago & I have to add: don't squeeze too hard when curling!! It snapped on my eye lashes and is now broken :( :( Ohwell, I guess I will have to try the E.L.F curler!!

الخميس، 15 ديسمبر 2011

Schmoking FOTN Pic Heavy + Nails

The other night I wanted to do something dramatic & smokey for going out for my mans work christmas dinner & then to hit the nighty afterwards. Of course I wanted to use this Bourjois eyehshadow which for some reason looks green... maybe it is because I don't think its quite black... hahah. It doesn't look green in swatches but maybe the JEP changed the colour of it.

Nyx Black Bean JEP
Bourjois Eyeshadow No.4
Fyrianne Immortality glitter ( tiny bit on center of lid for dimension) over the top of Pixie Epoxy
Mac Satin Taupe in the crease ( Over the top of a brown I had for during the day)
White from the 28 palette over the top of Nyx JEP Milk (also used on waterline)
Nyx White pearl for highlight

Omigosh I have no idea what I wore on the cheeks :/ Luckily I don't have too much of a range maybe it was Nyx Peach *edit* I think it was bourjois rose blush 34 but it looks too peachy here haha ohwell
Lips are Nyx Sugar Pie lipgloss on it's own

I would have worn lashes but I didn't want it to be 'too much' but I wish I brought them out with me to apply after dinner. I was also a bit indifferent about the white waterline I should have made it darker but I think it made my eyes look bigger so that's good.

Hair: I used my Babyliss Pro Heat rollers and yay... my curls turned out looking good for once! I followed a tutorial as I was doing it so that made it easier. Also sorry for my hair looking a bit frizzy... I put some Moroccan Oil in afterwards but didn't want to use too much in case the curls fell out quicker. I also just teased at the crown a tiny bit for extra volume & pinned a little bit back.

As always I took heaps of pics before I actually got changed lol. This is a mini (& I mean mini, I don't think I could go without tights) dress from Supre.

 Nicole by O.P.I in It's Possible with Orly in V.I.P (purchased b/c of Lisa Eldridge haha)
 Sorry if you don't like looking at toes! Sally Hansen Xtreme wear in Hot Magenta with random bits of glitter that I bought from ebay, just to keep it interesting :)

Thank you for looking bbys, take care!!

الاثنين، 12 ديسمبر 2011

Move over Bio Oil...

..Because i've moved on to Rose Hip Oil. I know I know, its old news, & I'm sure many of you have heard of or even use it, but I had been using Bio Oil for quite some time, so when I ran out of my 2nd bottle I wanted to try something different. I'm loving it & just wanted to share my thoughts on it.
As you probably know, my skin is dry/dehydrated with scars. When I wash my skin it can feel tight & gross but when I apply this, it feels greasy at first but as it sinks in it feels lovely. If you have oily skin it may feel too greasy so don't go overboard.
I have been using this for about 4 weeks & can notice an improvement with the leftover scars from my peel & the texture of my skin feels nicer. You can also use it on your body if you want to. I only use it in the morning before moisturizing but you can use it day & night, especially if you have bad scarring. & you will want to apply it some time before doing your makeup so it would have sunk in.
I love the bottle of this particular brand! As you can see it has a little drop thingy on it so you can measure the amount you need which is much better than pouring way too much into your hand. I guess it depends on the type of brand you get, the bottles wont all be the same.
The bottle says to use 2-3 drops but I usually only do 1-2 because it spreads really easily. I put a drop on my fingers & then rub them together to warm it up then apply using a circling motion with my fingers & massage it over my face.

I totally recommend using Rose Hip Oil for scarring, stretch marks, rosacea & even if your skin has no particular issues, just because it feels so nice! I will continue to use it because it gives my skin the extra boost it needs.

Product: 5/5
Packaging: 5/5
Quality 5/5
Price: Around $18(15ml)  but it depends on the size & where you purchase it from.

thank you for reading & I hope its useful for someone!

Oh I just wanted to mention a giveaway that Starryskies is holding... it closes on the 19th of December ( I left it a bit late to post this but there's still time! )
click the picture to enter :)

الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2011

Go insane, throw some glitter make it rain

I couldn't help the title lol, a couple of weeks ago we went to a festival that had bands & DJ's including Avicii, LMFAO (my fave! they were awesome haha), Bloody Beetroots, Pnau & many more.
I wasn't sure how I wanted to do my makeup but I wanted it to be more festival-like so at the last minute I threw in some glitter & felt like Ke$ha haha. Too bad it kinda looks like dirt from afar. I actually had a spray tan done a few days before, I will post those FOTDS later but here it is quite natural, just the way I like it.

that stray eyebrow hair will be the death of me ahah

UD Sin, buck, naked
MAC Satin Taupe
Nyx White Pearl
Black Bean JEP as a base for the glitter e/l which was NYX disco glitter e/l
a lil bit of UD Half Baked on the lower lash line
Ebay falsies cut in half on the outer corner of the eyes
Fyrianne Pixy Epoxy as a base of the glitter
NYX glitter in silver, hot pink & gold

Nyx taupe blush for contouring
Nyx Peach blush

Nyx Dolly Pink l/l
Sleek Amped l/s
I wanted my hair to be quite punkish but cbf teasing it properly so it didn't go up too high, but I twisted some sections along side for the effect ( lilithedarkmoon tutorial)

I went crazy trying to find the right top 2 days before & found this last minute & loved it! It has a tie up back so I wore a bandeau top for protection lol.

As always thanks for looking loves <33

الأربعاء، 7 ديسمبر 2011

Makeup & Hair Essentials Haul + more :)

When going to Perth for a weekend, one thing is guaranteed: Shopping! Since I don't get to do it too often I take advantage, and it had been a good 6 months since we last went up haha. I have named this my makeup essential haul since most of the makeup i bought is what I call "practical"- no fun eyeshadow's & lipsticks, but things I need. haha if you get what I mean.

I got all of this from Priceline. They have a huge section of this makeup brand called Models Prefer & I liked the look of their stuff & tested it a bit. Its reasonably priced too.
1: Models Prefer eyelash curler. I needed a new one badly, my other one didn't seem to fit the shape of my eye properly but this does. Review to come soon. I think I may just chuck all of the same brand into one big review lol.

2: Models Prefer brush cleaner. I've needed one of these for a very long time too. Unfortunately, when I got home I found the bottle didn't squirt properly :( So I have to open it & tip a tiny bit of it onto a paper towel when I want to use it. It still works fine & dries quickly, however I don't think you *need* to purchase a brush cleaner, as it only has 2 ingredients you could make it yourself: Isopropyl Alcohol & fragrance, even though it just smells like alcohol to me haha.
3:TRESemme heat protector spray. Just a back-up, if i ever run out of my other bottle haha
Models Prefer Illuminator, Models Prefer Concealer in medium. The illuminator gives such a gorgeous glow to the skin. I'll let you know if I use it in a FOTD soon. I tried the concealer at the shop, It says its for fine lines (which I don't have.. yet) & for dark circles, but it felt really nice, the colour blended in & it isn't drying, which is important for me, so its a hit!


Face Of Australia Eye Primers in Matte + Shimmer.
I've used these once, it did help bring out the 'matteness' or the shimmer in the eye shadow's, but it didn't last as long as TFSI does for me. I will bring you a proper review soon.

7: Bourjois E/S (04) & Blush (34 Rose D'or)

They had a special, buy one eyeshadow or blush from Bourjois & get the second one free (they are $20 each). Since I love my other blush I knew I wanted to get another one. I have also wanted the black e/s for ages, however I don't think they had it & it was hard to tell if this was black or not. It looks sort of purple,  & it has shimmers. I haven't used it properly yet but again I'll let you know when I do.

8: Glam Nails Nail Art pen in Hot Pink
I haven't used this properly except on semi dried nails so that didn't work too well lol but let me tell you it took soo long for any colour to come out. It says to press on your hand until it does, but I did it on my nail because the tip is soo sharp & eventually some came out. It also came with stencils so I'll use it with them to show you! I only got one colour to try it out but if I like it next time i'll buy more :)

Hair stuff
I also got these from priceline. The first one is a 3 in one curling set with a large curling barrel, small barrel & triple barrel (or deep waver). I have wanted a triple barrel for so long, but a few days before I got this I bought one on its own. Then when I saw this pack 2 days later for $10 less I knew I had to buy this, and try and sell my other one! If not I'm sure I can find someone to give it to, haha.
Models Prefer Travel Hair dryer + Straightener: This was another bargain for $22 & I have wanted one for a while, even though I don't travel that much, when I do it will save a lot of space in the luggage!

Rae Morris Express Makeup Book
As I was flicking through this book I wasn't going to get it, then when I saw how much I was saving, why the hell not?? As what someone said, even if I only read it once it will make a good coffee table book haha. But it has some good tips in it, even if I don't agree with *everything* haha

Novo Wedges

I saw these in the front display & knew I had to have them! They are gorgeous & so comfy, and they look so nice on.  A nice pair of wedges is definitely a staple!

So apart from that, I bought a lot of clothes, sandals & books, plus if you already read, I bought a laptop. I had to include a pic of the instructions it came with, I thought they were hilarious how simple & obvious they are that even a man can read them :P
 Oh I almost forgot, I got these back home from Woolworths (supermarket). I haven't used my beloved Covergirl Lash Blast Fusion in so long due to trying other ones and I am really missing it, lol, so when I need more mascara I will be stocked for a little while.
They were only $10 instead of $18 which is what they usually are, so its a huge saving for me!!

So that's basically all the makeup & hair stuff I have bought recently to last me a while haha. Have you found any bargains lately you want to share?