الأحد، 31 أكتوبر 2010

Wearable Rainbow FOTD

Helloo everyone, this is a look i did the other day inspired by makeupgeek tv... hope you like! with some bonus photos.

120 palette- mixed green & blue, baby pink, purple, darker pink in crease with some orange in the inner crease
white shadow from 88 warm palette for highlight

NYX blush in peachy & taupe
Mix of NYX strawberry milk & random pink lipstick together

 and for something different i braided my own headband by taking a section of hair from behind both ears, dividing that into 2 sections & using a ribbon as a third section, then braided them together and pinned up over my head

bonus pics!
i'm house sitting for my aunty & here is her gorgeous Maltese shiht'zu (sp!? lol) Denis

thank you for looking!

الخميس، 28 أكتوبر 2010

Eyeshadow on the lips, not on the hips.

soo the other sunday i was so bored & i didn't feel like doing my eyes up 'coz then i would feel the need for foundation. & i wasn't actually planning on leaving the house anyway so i thought that since i never really play with lipstick, why not! I wanted to try some things that were different for me, so i used eyeshadow.

Now I've tried to use eyeshadow before but it made my lips feel dry something cruel, so i made sure i put on lip balm beforehand. Another thing i never thought to try was to use a lipstick as a base, just like using a colour base on the eyes to bring out the colours. well it worked perfectly! it made the colours apply soo much more easily & i was very happy with the results.

For these i used the 120 palette but no lip liner so sorry for some of the bleeding.  also with the first one i tried to make my lip shape look a bit different but it didn't show up well in pictures.

top pics are with flash, bottom are natural light

It was too bad that you couldn't see the darker colours on the outside (i wanted a gradient-like effect) but it was weird how with the orange i had red but you cannot see it at all. And over the top of these i applied clear gloss carefully with a lip brush to avoid the colours mixing in together.

Thanks for reading, i think i will definitely be playing with different lip colours this summer!
x ashii

الأربعاء، 27 أكتوبر 2010

Quick Tip # 2: Washing your hair

Washing your hair is something you don't really think about, you just do it, but I have learnt recently that there is a proper way to wash your hair & it does make sense (to me), so I'm going to share with you & if you have anything you'd like to add/correct, leave a comment & I'll add it in!

The scalp is where most of the dirt and oil is, and because your hair is technically dead you don't need to use shampoo for the shafts. So apply your shampoo evenly over your scalp and scrub,  while letting the shampoo run down to the rest of the hair so it cleans that as well without you needing to rub your hair.

The ends are the oldest and most damaged area, so take care to apply your conditioner here first while massaging it in.  As you go up higher until you get to the roots you should be adding lesser amounts to none. Unless you have a very dry scalp it should be ok but if it gets oily quickly you should probably avoid using it in that area, but i usually massage in a tiny bit to the scalp from the roots for a minute. Don't rinse it out straight away because you want your hair to absorb it in.

After wards~
For years after every time I've washed my hair i have always rinsed it in cold water. This closes off the cuticles, which creates a healthy, shiny appearance. Also never ever rub your hair dry, take a towel & squeeze/blot all the excess ends out.

thanks for reading, hopefully this was useful, please comment with anything extra!!

x ashii

الثلاثاء، 26 أكتوبر 2010

My Hairs Best Friend: Moroccan Oil Review

Rightio, I have been using Moroccan Oil for over a month now & let me start by saying it is amazing!! Now time for introducing my hair (lol) which is very thick & wavy, dark, medium-ish to long length & i would have to say it is in good condition. My hair is also fairly dry on the ends (gets oily on the scalp about 2 days after washing) but that's about it. It needs all the moisture it can get.

I'm not going to lie Moroccan oil is expensive, it is about AU$49.95 for 100ml, but let me just say that a little goes a loong way. Since using it, i have rarely made a dent in it; with that being said I don't use it every day, only when I wash & style my hair which is about 3x a week.
 After using it my hair is noticeably softer, less frizzier, shinier & feels moisturized! I could do with a moisturizing treatment once a week as well because my hair is *that* dry, however i think that this could also be used as a treatment, but i like it as a serum.

 -Not too runny, not too thick: pours nicely into the hands & is easy to distribute evenly throughout the hair
 -smells great! nice summery smell
 -doesn't make your scalp feel oily(unless you've used too much or put most of it on your scalp instead of your ends)
- uhh well... it works! hair feels uh-maze-ing!! 
-ummm... i don't think there is any!!

How I use it:
Just before I blow dry my hair I pour about the size of a 10c coin into my palm, rub my hands together and distribute it evenly throughout my hair, concentrating on the ends rather then the roots. Sometimes i need more since i have soo much hair.
I then blow dry my hair and after wards I add just a tiny bit more oil & smooth it onto my hair. But theres been some days where i haven't blow dried my hair after using it and my hair hasn't frizzed like it normally does!

Overall.... i can see why Moroccan Oil is quickly becoming a cult product & i will definetly buy again when (and if) i run out. 10/10!

الأحد، 24 أكتوبر 2010

Hens Party- Smokey Gold FOTN

Well my lovely friend had a hens night the weekend before her wedding (which I am a bridesmaid in-yay!) & the theme was masquerade/ fascinators.We had a really good night, played quite a few games before making a wedding dress out of toilet paper for the bride-to-be & going down to the pub lol! 
Onto the makeup- I was wearing a smokey gold look during the day but i didn't really need to amp it up for during the night so i pretty much left it as it was with touching up a little bit. Included are some pics of my outfit. thanks for looking!

Revlon Photoready in Shell (i have gotten a new foundation for summer hopefully it matches better now!!) 
Palladio Rice Powder in Translucent to Set
NYX rouge cream blush in natural
Nars orgasm blush
NYX Taupe

Sleek Palette in Storm (see photo for reference)
1- lid colour, inner of lower lashline
2-outer lid + into crease & lower lashline
3- Outer crease
4-blended into 3
5- highlight+ inner corner
Bourjois contour e/l
Covergirl lashblast mascara
BYS lipstick in champagne glow (i think thats the name lol)

for the hair i made waves with my hair straightener (not all over or that would have taken forever & a day! oh and of course clipped my fascinator in.

Outfit Pic Time! Luckily Melbourne Cup is coming up on the first Tuesday of November[??] so when i went shopping in the city there were plenty of fascinators to choose from. Its hard to see but I really liked mine- hopefully i can wear it again!!

sorry for the bad lighting!
Fascinator- $25 from Target
Dress- $50 from Target 
Bracelet- $4.99 from Cotton On Body
Shoes were also $50 from Target (pic below)

So thanks again for reading and finally everything mentioned was brought with my own money!!
xxo ashii 

الاثنين، 11 أكتوبر 2010

Getting there...

hey guys... ok so i know my blog is still new & i still really need to add more things to it..... but i'm gettin' a bit disheartened that i don't have that many followers b u t i know it all takes time & I need to try and remember how to do things like I used to on my old blogs lol.... anyway here are some things that i have planned that will be coming soon [not in this particular order].... :)

more FOTD's
race wear/ my outfit for a hen's night
my first MAC visit :D
fave items
88 warm palette + Essence of Beauty brushes review

& more..... so please stay tuned & I'll keep checking in on your blogs to see how you're going :)


الأربعاء، 6 أكتوبر 2010

Quick Tip 1- Eyebrows.

Ok so now and then I will post some quick tips which I have learnt & I'm sure most of you know but what the hey!! 

If you don't have a brow gel, just take some hairspray onto your brow comb & run it through your eyebrows, pushing the hairs into place, which should hopefully set them there for the whole day!!

Hope that helps someone; stay tuned for more quick tips :)

الأحد، 3 أكتوبر 2010

First attempt at water marbling my nails!!

Soo I tried this for the first time last week, I apologize for the mess! For some the nail polish on top of the  water was a bit too thick & i couldn't make a proper pattern but for some others it worked perfectly! I like how they don't all look the same :)
I went by this video & used the same sort of colours because I just love pink!
And now for the pics (again I apologize for the different sized nails!)

1st Pic- Left Hand. Sorry for the chip in the thumb nail, it shows the sad fate of where my nail feels like breaking :P
2nd Pic- Right Hand
3rd Pic- left hand again
Last Pic- Natural Light. Bad attempt to hide the chipping lol